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Optimising the critical integration of people and systems

Brandt Clifford | Director & Principal Consultant

Patricia De Pomeroy | Consultant

Welcome to Brandt


BRANDT Human Factors Safety Engineering is a leading consultancy service that specialises in ergonomics and human factors services to systems design, risk management, systems safety, and human engineering.

BRANDT HFSE has a diverse portfolio of experience across the safety critical industries of transport, healthcare, petrochemical refining, and high-voltage energy distribution. Our involvement in major Tier One projects and collaboration with associated stakeholders is a reflection of our industry leading knowledge and experience.

Brandt Clifford | Director & Principal Consultant

Patricia De Pomeroy | Consultant


With a detailed understanding of project delivery, engineering and infrastructure supply, as well as operations delivery and leadership, BRANDT HFSE can deliver systems that optimise project success. We focus on safety, human performance, time, and budget. Brandt HFSE delivers more than simple compliance. Our solutions enhance usability and provide systems that are functional and fit for purpose.

Human Factors and Ergonomics

Through evidence and a risk-based, user-centred approach, the Brandt HFSE team will assist you in optimising your system to maximise productivity, human performance, and safety.

Human systems engineering considers physical, cognitive, and organisation ergonomics. From detailed knowledge of legislation, standards, industry best-practice, as well as operational and service delivery real world experience across multiple safety critical industries, our human factors team will support organisational or project goals with solutions and problem solving. 

Understanding your users is more than simply asking them. User centred design is not user led design. The Brandt HFSE team will assist you in defining your context of use, defining clear, tangible, and measurable requirements, and providing a plan and assurance for HFE, and develop achievable solutions that can benefit the goals of human performance and system performance.

Enquire today to:

  • Enhance human performance and progress ergonomics in your organisation.
  • Understand how we can integrate human factors methods harmoniously into your project lifecycle.
  • Optimise end user participation.


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Accessibility and Universal Design

Universal Design is a design philosophy dedicated to the innate use and accessibility of systems, products, buildings, environments, infrastructure, transport options, and experiences to as many people as possible. Universal design focuses on the greatest outcome, regardless of end users age, level of ability, cultural background, or any other differentiating factors that contribute to the diversity of our communities.

Brandt HFSE focuses on functional outcomes and has in-depth experience delivering design solutions and access plans that don’t simplistically look at compliance, but meaningful outcomes that allows for inclusive participation in society. This makes everyday experiences simple and enjoyable for more and more people.

Consultation and Participation

Effective consultation and participation with end users and stakeholders in the design process leads to better outcomes, engagement and acceptance of change, and participative mutual benefit in the lasting system. Beyond the legislative requirements to identify and manage health and safety risk, consultation and participation with experienced end users provides valuable insights into ‘work as done’, human capability, laten system work-arounds, and adaptability. 

Experience informed insights enhance subject matter knowledge and technical expertise to help influence design decisions and enhance system resilience and recovery. Effective consultation and participation engages end users in their individual change journey.

Brandt HFSE has a proven track record of effective consultation and stakeholder participation, optimising the positive impacts of engagements on project outcomes and the human experience of change.

System Safety

Complex Socio-Technical systems do not operate in isolation. New systems, or changes to infrastructure, assets, operational processes or the personnel that operate directly within the system impact the safety of the subsystem in which they operate, and can also impact the safety and efficiency of the system as a whole. 

It is important to demonstrate that the changes are fit for purpose, safe to operate, and that the system can be constructed, operated, maintained, and disposed of. Brandt HFSE can assist in understanding the system safety process and its related arguments to provide assurance the new system or change is safe so far as is reasonably practicable (SFAIRP).

Progressive Safety Assurance

Gradually documenting the safety argument with supporting evidence and activities to build over time throughout the design lifecycle an explicit assurance of the safety of an asset or system is safe to operate and maintain. 

The progressive assurance process helps to manage a safety argument by setting meaningful activities and artifacts to aid in the demonstration of SFAIRP. Brandt HFSE has proven record in large infrastructure and asset introduction as well as operational changes or new process assurance.

Risk Assessment and Management

Risk management is a step-by-step process for controlling health and safety risks caused by hazards in the workplace. 

The management and control of risks must include the documentation and communication of any residual risk, that have been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable (SRAIRP), that remain after risk control measures have been implemented, which require transferred to the next lifecycle stage owner. Brandt HFSE can assist in any stage of your risk assessment and risk management process.

Human Factors Training & Competence

We undertake responsibilities and perform activities to a recognised standard on a regular basis. It is a combination of skills, experience and knowledge. The inadequate management of competence has contributed to major incidents including asset damage, fatalities, personal injuries and ill health. 

Training is an important component of establishing competency but is not sufficient on its own. Competency assurance systems should aim to establish and maintain competency for all those involved in safety-related work, including managers. Brandt HFSE can assist with training and competence, including a range of human factors training courses.

Our approach


working with stakeholders in a multidisciplinary manner.

Outcome Driven

recognising the goal of optimisation in performance.

Systems Focused

considering the complex interactions of socio- technical organisations and projects as a whole.


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